2. Pre-assembly notes
When building your rocket, pick one direction or orientation to define as the ‘front’ or ‘forward
facing side’. Most of the 3d printed parts have at least one star on them. The stars should
ALWAYS face forward; if your rocket were see-through, you would be able to see all the stars
from the front. For Signal to keep your rocket on course, the stars must literally align :)
3. Flight computer assembly
1. The two included brackets go
on the top and bottom of the
flight computer. Paying
attention to the stars and
orientation of the text, place
these on the top and bottom of
the flight computer. The stars,
black terminal blocks, and
“Signal” text should all face the
same direction. The fit should
be very snug.
2. Use 4 of the M3.5 long screws
to secure the flight computer in
place, they should go all the
way through the center beam
of the mounting bracket.
Copyright © 2019 Barnard Propulsion Systems, LLC
Version 1.8, Jan 1, 2019