plays the 2-tone buzzer indication
detected an issue with one of the sensors. If it
persists over multiple startups, please contact
At the end of startup, Signal halts the process with a
purple light and plays the 2-tone buzzer indication
The IMU or barometer has failed self-test
function, this can happen because of too much
movement during startup. Reboot the
After cycling through all LEDs in startup, the red light
flashes and starts beeping once a second.
This is not a bug! Signal has detected
significant data on the flash memory card,
likely from a previous flight, or long pad-idle
period. This process is usually executed at the
end of a flight, but since your data wasn’t
transferred to an SD card before shutting
down, it is being saved now. Reboot the
computer only after the blue and green LEDs
start flashing slowly.
The TVC servos don’t move at all when Signal is
powered on, and can be moved easily with a finger.
The TVC servos are plugged in backwards.
Reseat the TVC extension cables so
the white wire is on top, closest to the
X or Y label, with the black wire on
the bottom, closest to the ‘-’ symbol
If this doesn’t work, double check the
connection between the servo cables
and extension cables. Black, red, and
orange/white wires should all match
One of the TVC servos does not work function
Repeat the above steps for the individual
If everything is wired correctly, you may have a
faulty or damaged servo. Please contact BPS
One of the TVC servos seems to move slowly when
used in the mount.
You may have a faulty or damaged servo, see
The TVC mount may be jammed - check for
loose debris or wiring near the joints
The TVC mount seems to move slowly, the joints
between parts do not move without considerable force
The TVC mount may be jammed, see above
The TVC mount may not be worn in, use a drill
or screwdriver to over tighten the M3.5 short
screws by a few turns to loosen it up
The TVC mount has a lot of ‘play’ - it’s able to wiggle
back and forth in one or both axis while not moving the
servos. A small amount of this will always be present,
but 1.5+ degrees will start to affect the quality of flights
The TVC actuation points(screw holes) are too
Long term solutions
Contact BPS for replacement parts or
print files
Short term solutions
Coat the M3.5 screws in a layer of
epoxy, CA, or another strong type of
glue to make them larger. Wait for the
glue to fully dry, and replace them in
the mount.
Wrap a piece of paper around the
screws as they enter the screw holes,
for the same effect as the glue.
Copyright © 2019 Barnard Propulsion Systems, LLC
Version 1.8, Jan 1, 2019