5. Use the two M2 screws to
attach the servo to the outer
gimbal, this time with the
cable and servo horn
pointing up. Make sure the
servo cable is threaded in
toward the motor mount, not
away from it. If this isn’t done
correctly, the cable may
interfere with the rocket’s
airframe during integration.
This should be a tight fit - the
bottom screw (closest to the
center of the TVC mount)
may be a little hard to get
into place.
6d. TVC extension cabling
The TVC mount is almost finished! To complete the build, we’ll need to take care of some
1. Thread the TVC Y servo (labeled on the mount) cable up in between the X servo
pushrod and the motor mount.
2. Use a marker directly on the black plastic headers of the servos, and label them
appropriately according to
their markers on the TVC
mount. With the mount
standing upright, Y should
be the bottom servo, X
should be the top.
3. Do the same for the TVC
extension cables - label
one X on both ends, and
the other Y. It’s worth being
thorough on this, accidental
reversal of the leads will
result in an in-flight abort.
Copyright © 2019 Barnard Propulsion Systems, LLC
Version 1.8, Jan 1, 2019