Hybrid Combo Heart rate monitor
potential Causes for no Heart rate reading or long response time:
Cause: dry skin
Apply conductive gel thoroughly to chest area (for Chest-Strap measurement) or finger
(for Finger-Touch measurement). Tap water may help if conductive gel is not available.
Cause: Chest strap is not contacting with skin
Make sure the chest strap is secured firmly just below the breast plate (see page 6)
and the watch is fastened securely on wrist.
Cause: muscle tremors caused by pressing on sensors too hard (finger touch)
decrease finger pressure on the sensor Pads.
Cause: dead skin on wrist, finger or chest
rub off excessive dead skin with a towel
Cause: a thin layer of body grease insulates the eCg signal preventing the Chest strap or watch
from detecting eCg heart rate
wipe chest / wrist and the back of chest strap/ watch with a tissue or soft towel.
Cause: Hairy skin
apply conductive gel to chest area or wrist.
Cause: low battery
replace the battery in watch/transmitter and try again.
Cause: electrical field interference from rf devices (Chest-strap measurement) such as overhead
power lines, electrical noise, etc.
leave the area where rf sources potentially exist.