background image

Positioning the subwoofer

Because the subwoofer produces only low-
frequency sounds, positioning is less critical
in some respects compared to full-range
speakers. Directional information is much
less precise and you have more choice
where to place the speakers to good effect.
This said, best results are obtained if the
subwoofer is placed between the satellite
speakers or in the vicinity of one of them. If
you use two subwoofers, it is best to put
one near each satellite speaker.

Placing the subwoofer behind the listeners,
even in surround sound installations,
generally gives inferior imaging, but may be
an acceptable compromise if domestic
considerations dictate.

As with all speakers, the proximity of room
boundaries affects the sound. Bass is
generally increased as more surfaces come
into close proximity with the speakers.
Unlike full-range speakers, however, you
can always restore the correct overall
system balance by adjusting the volume
level of the subwoofer. The more boost you
get from the room, the less hard the
speaker has to work; but there is a down
side. Corner positions often excite more
low-frequency room resonances, making
the bass more uneven with frequency.
There is no substitute for experiment as all
rooms behave differently, so try the
subwoofer in a variety of positions before
making a final decision. A piece of music
with a bass line ascending or descending
the musical scale is useful for assessing the
smoothness of the bass response. Listen
for exaggerated or quiet notes. Having a
separate subwoofer does enable you to
optimise for room resonances
independently from siting the satellite
speakers for best imaging.

If the subwoofer is to be used in a confined
space (eg in custom furniture), the space
must be ventilated to allow sufficient air to
circulate and cool the unit. Ask your dealer
for advice.

The subwoofer is supplied with four spike
feet. The spikes pierce through carpet pile,
giving a firm support directly to the floor
surface without crushing the pile.

If the unit is to be placed on a vulnerable
surface, such as a wooden floor, either
place a protective disc under each spike or
fit the four rubber feet in place of the

When fitting either the rubber feet or the
spike feet, first screw the lock nuts fully
onto the thread and then screw the feet
fully onto the threaded inserts in the base
of the cabinet. If the unit rocks, loosen the
relevant two opposing feet until the support
is firm, then re-tighten the lock nuts to the

Check that there are no cables under the
carpet that may be damaged by the spike

Do not walk the product on the spike feet
as this may cause them to become
detached from the cabinet and cause

Take care not to impale yourself with the
spike feet when moving the product.

Electrical connections

Disconnect all sound system equipment
from the power supply until the signal
connections have been made and checked.
This avoids the risk of damage whilst
connections are made or broken.

The function of the subwoofer is to receive
signals from the amplification chain and,
where necessary for 2-channel audio, split
the signal into low bass and higher
frequencies and feed the latter back out to
the satellite speakers. Left and right
channel inputs may be combined into a
single mono low bass feed to the
subwoofer drive unit if required.

The subwoofer will input and output line-
level signals via the RCA Phono sockets
located on the back panel.

Use the following table to select the correct
wiring method for your installation:

Application: Home Theatre

The subwoofer may be used with any
decoder that has a line-level subwoofer
output (normally from an RCA Phono
socket). Most decoders with integral power
amplifiers still output the subwoofer or
Low-Frequency Effects (LFE) signal at line

Decoder with one or more subwoofers
– fig. 3

Application: 2-channel audio

Separate pre- & power amplifiers: 


One or more subwoofers with output
combined into a single mono signal –
fig. 4


Two subwoofers with separate left and
right signal – fig. 5

The subwoofer is not suitable for use with
2-channel integrated pre/power amplifiers.

Using more than one subwoofer

Using more than one unit in a single
installation can improve performance in the
following ways:

Maintain stereo separation to the
lowest frequencies.

Cope with larger listening rooms.

Enable greater maximum sound output
– often useful for effectively
reproducing special effects in Home
Theatre applications.

Smooth out the effects of low-
frequency room resonances.

If you are using two subwoofers for 
2-channel audio, separation is improved if
each channel has its own subwoofer,
providing each one is placed close to the
relevant satellite speaker. Only use the
mono connection of figure 4 if you cannot
place each subwoofer close to its satellite

Double-check the connections

Before auditioning the sound quality of your
new installation and fine-tuning it, double-
check the connections. All too often, users
complain that they cannot get a decent
sound however they set the controls, only

to discover something has been wrongly
connected. Make sure that:

The phasing is correct – there should
be no positive to negative connections
to the satellite speakers. If something
is out of phase you may get a fuzzy
sound with an imprecise and floating
image, a lack of bass or a combination
of the two.

There are no left to right mix-ups – this
can result, for example, in the
orchestra being the wrong way round
or, more disastrously, sounds on your
Home Theatre going in the opposite
direction to the action on the screen.

Switching on and off

We recommend that you switch the
subwoofer on before any power amplifiers
receiving signals from the subwoofer.
Similarly, when switching off, switch the
subwoofer off last.

The MODE standby/auto/on switch (4) does
not isolate the amplifier completely from the
power supply. It maintains a low-power
input to an auxiliary sensing circuit.

The switch (4) operates as follows:

With the switch in this position, the
amplifier remains permanently on, and the
light (1) glows green.

On first switching the subwoofer to Auto,
the amplifier becomes fully active and the
light (1) glows green. After a period of
about 5 minutes without an input signal,
the amplifier automatically reverts to
standby mode, and the light glows red.
When an input signal is detected, the
amplifier automatically becomes fully active
and the light glows green.

In this position, the amplifier is in
permanent standby, and the light glows

If the subwoofer is to be out of use for an
extended period of time, we recommend
you isolate it from the power supply, either
by using the POWER switch (11) or by
removing the plug from the power socket.

Setting the controls

There are 5 controls to consider:

The VOLUME control (2)

control (3)

The PHASE switch (7)

The LOW-PASS FILTER switch (6)

The EQ (equalisation) switch (5)

The optimum settings depend on the other
equipment used with the subwoofer. If
using more than one subwoofer, ensure the
controls on each one are set the same.

Use with home theatre decoders

The B&W ASW Active Subwoofer is not a
THX® licensed component, but may be
used with a THX® controller if desired.


Summary of Contents for ASW Active Subwoofer ASW675

Page 1: ...ASW675 Owner s Manual and Warranty...

Page 2: ...Figure 1 Figure 2 SUBWOOFER SURROUND CENTRE L R FRONT L R Decoder No 2 No 1 E60065 00 E60065 00 E60065 00 M TWO LTD 100 230V 50 60Hz 100W 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 9 11 13 1 10 12 Figure 3...

Page 3: ...O 2 No 1 L R SPEAKERS OUT Pre Amplifier L LINE OUT R Power Amplifier L LINE IN R E60065 00 RIGHT LEFT NO 2 NO 1 L R SPEAKERS OUT Pre Amplifier Power Amplifier L LINE OUT R L LINE IN R E60065 00 Figure...

Page 4: ...Garant a limitada 15 Manual de instrucciones 15 Portugu s Garantia limitada 20 Manual do utilizador 20 Italiano Garanzia limitata 24 Manuale di istruzioni 24 Nederlands Beperkte garantie 28 Handleidi...

Page 5: the appliance WARNINGS 1 Read Instructions All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is operated 2 Retain Instructions The safety and operating instructions shou...

Page 6: ...When replacement parts are required be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part Unauthorised substitut...

Page 7: ...iring method for your installation Application Home Theatre The subwoofer may be used with any decoder that has a line level subwoofer output normally from an RCA Phono socket Most decoders with integ...

Page 8: ...t the loudness of the subwoofer relative to the satellite systems to your liking Use a wide variety of programme material to get an average setting One that sounds impressive on one piece may sound ov...

Page 9: ...humidit ou la pluie Il n y a aucun l ment susceptible d tre modifi par l utilisateur l int rieur Adressez vous toujours un technicien agr Explication des symboles graphiques L clair dans un triangle q...

Page 10: ...quel liquide d Si l appareil apr s avoir suivi les instructions concernant son fonctionnement ne marche pas normalement N utilisez que les commandes express ment cit es dans ce manuel d utilisation e...

Page 11: Ecoutez attentivement les notes tr s contrast es trop faibles ou exag r ment fortes Le fait de poss der un subgrave s par autorise une optimisation tr s efficace de votre installation Vous pourrez...

Page 12: ...rtifi THX il peut tre employ avec un controlleur THX R glez le volume mi course 12 heures Le r glage de la fr quence de coupure 2 est sans effet Commutez le r glage de phase 6 sur 0 Placez le commutat...

Page 13: ...e diff rence qui se traduit par une modification tout fait normale de la phase Il faut galement proc der la v rification syst matique du niveau du subgrave Celui ci peut varier selon que vous l avez a...

Page 14: ...en Steckern Verteilern und den Anschlussstellen des Ger tes geboten 9 berlastung Vermeiden Sie eine berlastung der Wandsteckdosen Verl ngerungskabel usw um Feuer oder einem elektrischen Schlag vorzube...

Page 15: ...stetige Innovationen Rechnung getragen sondern auch durch die Liebe zur Musik um sicherzustellen da die Technologie auch in neuen Anwendungsbereichen wie HiFi Cinema optimal eingesetzt wird Dieser Su...

Page 16: ...oder mehrere Subwoofer mit zu einem Mono Signal gekoppeltem Ausgangssignal Abbildung 4 b Zwei Subwoofer je einer pro Kanal Abbildung 5 Der Subwoofer ist f r den Anschlu an 2 Kanal Vollverst rker nich...

Page 17: ...s gleich eingestellt sind Stellen Sie die Lautst rke des Subwoofers so ein da sie im Einklang mit den Satellitensystemen steht Nutzen Sie dazu eine gro e Programmbandbreite um eine optimale Einstellun...

Page 18: produzca una descarga el ctrica no retire el panel posterior ni exponga el producto a la lluvia o la humedad En el interior del aparato no hay partes manipulables por el usuario Conf e cualquier op...

Page 19: ...gulares podr an hacer que dicho conjunto volcara No desplace el producto sobre sus pies c nicos ya que ello podr a separarlos violentamente del recinto y provocar da os importantes Procure no hacerse...

Page 20: ...os mejores resultados se obtienen si el subwoofer es colocado entre las cajas ac sticas sat lites o en las cercan as de una de ellas Si usted utiliza dos subwoofers es mejor situar uno cerca de cada s...

Page 21: ...fuera de fase es posible que se obtenga un sonido difuso con una imagen sonora flotante e imprecisa una falta patente de graves o una combinaci n de ambas cosas No hay cruces entre canales hecho que p...

Page 22: ...eles de presi n sonora sensatos puesto que la percepci n del balance var a con el nivel del sonido Cine en Casa En el caso del Cine en Casa la situaci n es algo distinta de la existente en audio de 2...

Page 23: ...quil tero tem o prop sito de o alertar para a presen a de voltagem perigosa n o protegida no interior do aparelho com magnitude suficiente para provocar um choque el ctrico numa pessoa O ponto de excl...

Page 24: ...trabalho extensivo de um t cnico qualificado para repor o aparelho no seu funcionamento normal e Se deixou cair o aparelho ou se danificou de qualquer forma f Quando o aparelho apresentar uma altera...

Page 25: ...s espig es pois isso pode fazer com que se soltem do equipamento e causar danos Tenha cuidado com os seus pr prios p s os espig es s o perigosos Liga es el ctricas Desligue todos os equipamentos do si...

Page 26: ...m grave controlado A melhor configura o para as FREQU NCIA BAIXAS depende de diferentes vari veis o desempenho de graves e a pot ncia recomendada das colunas sat lite o n mero de subwoofers usados e a...

Page 27: ...altra causa al di fuori del ragionevole controllo di B W e i suoi ufficiali distributori e quando il numero di serie del prodotto stato alterato cancellato rimosso o reso illeggibile f se riparazioni...

Page 28: ...a pulizia non spruzzatelo direttamente sul cabinet spruzzatelo sul panno Rimuovete la griglia di protezione altrimenti il tessuto si potrebbe macchiare facendo attenzione a non danneggiare la membrana...

Page 29: ...uttavia pu risultare un compromesso accettabile nel caso fosse dettato da considerazioni domestiche Cos come con tutti i diffusori la vicinanza con le pareti della stanza condiziona il suono Generalme...

Page 30: ...ate pi di un subwoofer assicuratevi che i comandi su ciascuno siano gli stessi Utilizzo con decoder home theater Il subwoofer attivo ASW B W non un componente con certificazione THX ma pu essere utili...

Page 31: ...decoder sia il controllo volume sull amplificatore del subwoofer in maniera adeguata ma solo dopo aver regolato correttamente la fase Manutenzione del subwoofer Il cabinet del subwoofer potrebbe esse...

Page 32: ...Ventilatie Het versterkerpaneel op de achterzijde is deel van de koeling van de versterker en mag niet afgedekt worden door het op een zachte ondergrond te plaatsen Dek ook het versterkerpaneel niet...

Page 33: ...dicatie 2 Volumeregelaar 3 Laagdoorlaat filter frequentie instelling 4 Functie aan auto standby 5 Equalizerschakelaar 6 Laagdoorlaat filter aan uit 7 Faseschakelaar 8 Lijningang 9 Lijnuitgang 10 LINK...

Page 34: ...versterker in en licht een groene indicatie 1 op Wordt gedurende 5 minuten geen ingangsignaal gedetecteerd dan zal de versterker automatisch in standby gaan en wordt de indicatie rood Zodra een ingang...

Page 35: ...dan bij een stereosysteem Aarzel echter niet de instellingen zonodig naar eigen inzicht aan te passen Het is bovendien erg verleidelijk dankzij de kwaliteiten van de subwoofer iets meer nadruk op het...

Page 36: ...4 1 B W 2 B W B W service B W 1 2 3 4 5 6 220V 50Hz 7 B W 8 9 10 50 rack 12 33...

Page 37: ...150 300 50 B W 11 12 13 14 15 subwoofer 16 17 18 a 19 20 B W 21 22 23 100 230V 24 25 34...

Page 38: ...fer subwoofer a ASW 675 B W 60 B W 1 1 Subwoofer 1 4 4 4 1 subwoofer 2 1 2 VOLUME 3 LOW PASS 4 5 EQ 6 LOW PASS 7 PHASE 8 LINE 9 LINE OUT 10 LINK OUT 11 12 13 POWER subwoofer subwoofer subwoofers subwo...

Page 39: ...woofers subwoofers Home Theatre subwoofers subwoofer subwoofer 4 a Right R Left L Home Theatre subwoofer MODE 4 4 n a 1 uto Auto subwoofer 1 5 Standby subwoofer POWER 11 ASW 675 5 VOLUME 2 low pass LO...

Page 40: ...QUENCY cut off LOW PASS FREQUENCY subwoofers 80 90 Hz LOW PASS subwoofers cut off frequency subwoofer subwoofer speaker level line level line high pass subwoofer phase balance subwoofer Home theatre h...

Page 41: ...subwoofer subwoofer POWER 10 B W B W Loudspeakers B W 1 2 3 B W B W B W 4 1 B W 2 B W B W 38...

Page 42: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 12 150 300 50 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 39...

Page 43: ...100 230 24 25 0 5 ASW B W 1966 Bowers Wilkins B W 60 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 2 1 2 VOLUME 3 LOW PASS FREQUENCY 4 MODE On Auto Standby 5 EQ 6 LOW PASS FILTER 7 PHASE 8 LINE IN 9 LINE OUT 10 LINK OUT 11 12 13 PO...

Page 44: ...RCA RCA LFE 3 2 a 4 5 2 4 MODE standby auto on 4 4 On uto 1 5 Standby POWER 11 5 41...


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Page 47: ...eller lignende Produktet kan falle ned og skade barn voksne og dyr Produktet kan ogs ta skade og slutte fungere Skal produktet plasseres p vogn bord stativ brakett eller lignende m disse v re godkjen...

Page 48: ...alla s kerhets och handhavandef reskrifter 4 F lj instruktionerna F lj alltid alla instruktioner om hur apparaten fungerar 5 Installation F lj tillverkarens instruktioner n r du installerar produkten...

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Page 59: ...EQ at A Power output 500W continuous Input impedance 33k Signal noise 90dB Functions Input level Low pass filter frequency Low pass filter bypass Bass roll off alignment Auto sense on standby Phase sw...

Page 60: ...Sales Enquiries and Service T 44 1903 221 500 E uksales bwspeakers com B W Loudspeakers of America T 1 978 664 2870 E marketing bwaudio com B W Loudspeakers Asia Ltd T 852 2 790 8903 E bwahome bwspeak...
