SapCheck Controller
That por on of the SapCheck product that contains the
ac ve electronics of the product. The product ID # is print
ed on the bo om of the Controller unit.
Command Number
SapCheck will only receive text commands from cell phone
numbers that it recognizes. Each of these numbers is re
ferred to as a Command Number. The “Set User” text com
mand can be used to add or delete cell phone numbers
from this list.
SapCheck Phone
This is the phone # to which you will send text messages to
your SapCheck device. You can add this phone # to your
“Contacts” on your cell phone under the name “SapCheck”.
(Note: if you have more than one SapCheck device, you may
want to list each in your Contacts giving it a unique name,
such as “SapCheck—Marsh
eld Rd”.)
Service mode
When service mode is turned on, SapCheck will only re
spond to text commands sent from The Bosworth Compa
ny’s service support line. This mode is only ac vated upon a
user’s request and allows Bosworth to send and receive
diagnos c text messages to the unit for troubleshoo ng
Ac vated
A SapCheck unit is “Ac vated” when its wireless communi
ca ons components have been con
gured to send/receive
text messages on a cell phone network. To be ac vated, a
SapCheck unit must be covered by a Support Plan. An ac
vated SapCheck has an assigned SapCheck phone #.
Inac ve
A SapCheck unit is “Inac ve” if its wireless communica ons
components have not been con
gured to send/receive text
messages. An inac ve SapCheck unit has not been assigned
a SapCheck phone #.
Deac vated
Unless a customer purchases addi onal support plan cover
age, a SapCheck unit with an assigned phone # is Deac vat
ed once the term of the Support Plan ends. When a Sap
Check unit is deac vated, it can no longer send/receive text
messages and it no longer retains its originally assigned
SapCheck phone #. If a new Support Plan is purchased, a
new phone # is assigned to the unit and communica ons
are restored for the length of the new Support Plan.
Doc M-PR-09-45.120119.1
The Bos
orth Company
SapCheck User’s Guide