Doc M-PR-09-45.120119.1
SapCheck User’s Guide
The Bos
orth Company
Each SapCheck unit must have access to a cellular communica ons network
to func on. Cellular network connec vity is provided through a SapCheck
Support Plan that is purchased from The Bosworth Company. SapCheck Sup
port Plans provide for cellular network connec vity as well as access to so
ware upgrades and new releases.
All Sapcheck units purchased directly from Bosworth are shipped with an
ac ve support plan.
In the case of a SapCheck unit purchased through a
dealer, the user must contact The Bosworth Company to purchase a support
Support plans can be purchased either by going on the following Bosworth
website page …
www.thebosworthco.com/SapCheck/ac vate
or by calling The Bosworth Company at 1
1110. You must provide
the your SapCheck ID # (printed on the bo om of the Controller box) to pur
chase a support plan.
Once a plan has been purchased, the telecommunica ons capability within
SapCheck is ac vated and the unit is assigned a telephone number. The user
can then send commands to SapCheck by tex ng messages to this SapCheck
phone number.
So ware upgrades are installed by connec ng the USB port on the SapCheck
Controller to a USB (thumb) drive onto which the latest version of the so
ware has been downloaded.
Each SapCheck user has a user SapCheck account on The Bosworth Company
website. The most current version of the SapCheck so ware is available on
the user’s SapCheck account and can be downloaded from his/her account
onto a temporary directory on a computer.
The SapCheck so ware is stored in a
le with a
lename of sapcheck.bos. If
there is already a previous version of sapcheck.bos on the thumb drive that
you are going to use to update your SapCheck so ware, be sure to rename
le on the thumb drive to some other
lename (e.g., sapcheck.bos_old)
before moving or copying the latest version of the sapcheck so ware onto the
thumb drive. If you do not do this, the copying/moving opera on may result
in renaming the newer sapcheck.bos
le with a di
erent name (e.g., sap
check.bos(1)), and, as a result, the upda ng procedure will not
nd this
le to
upload it on the SapCheck controller.