Sequence of operation
TW Series Water to Water
6720220047 (2016/02)
Revised 02-16
Figure # 7
Cooling Mode
Energizing the “O” terminal energizes the unit reversing
valve thus placing the unit into cooling mode. T
When the thermostat calls for first stage cooling (Y1) the
loop pump or solenoid valve if present is energized and
the first stage of compressor capacity starts.
When the thermostat calls for second stage cooling (Y2)
the second stage (or full compressor capacity) is
initiated. Once the thermostat is satisfied, the
compressor shuts down accordingly
Heating Mode
The first two stages of heating (Y1 & Y2) operate in the
same manner as cooling, but with the reversing valve de-
energized. Once the thermostat is satisfied, the
compressor shuts down,
NOTE: Diagram for illustration purposes only.
Ensure access to Heat Pump is not restricted.