TW Series Water to Water
6720220047 (2016/02)
Revised 02-16
PSC - Permanent-split capacitor motor
EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio
COP - Coefficient of Performance. The COP provides a
measure of performance for heat pumps that is
analogous to thermal efficiency for power cycles.
ECM-Electronically Commutated Motor.
UPM-Unit Protection Module
WLHP - Water Loop Heat Pump
GLHP - Ground Loop Heat Pump
RLA - Running Load Amps
LRA - Locked Rotor Amps
FLA - Full Load Amps
NPA - Name Plate Amps
HP – Heat Pump
Suction Pressure - Pressure entering compressor
Discharge Pressure - Pressure leaving compressor
(R/A) - Return Air
Recovery - Means the collection and storage of
fluorinated greenhouse gases from products, including
containers, and equipment during maintenance or
servicing or prior to the disposal of the products or
Recycling- Means the reuse of a recovered fluorinated
greenhouse gas following a basic cleaning process;
Reclamation-Means the reprocessing of a recovered
fluorinated greenhouse gas in order to match the
equivalent performance of a virgin substance, taking
into account its intended use;
Decommissioning- Means the final shut-down and
removal from operation or usage of a product or piece
of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases;
Repair- Means the restoration of damaged or leaking
products or equipment that contain, or whose
functioning relies upon, fluorinated greenhouse gases,
involving a part containing or designed to contain such
Conditioned space-Space within a building provided
with heated or cooled air, or both (or surfaces); and,
where required, with humidification or dehumidification
means, to maintain conditions for an acceptable
thermal environment.