01.2015, USL00010,
Bosch Rexroth Corp.
21 Verify Commutation Offset
21.1 Verify commutation offset with digital Hall or without Hall sensor
21.1.1 Steps for verifying commutation offset with digital Hall or without Hall sensor:
1. If not already, start Easy Startup Mode and enable power.
2. Select Cmd value input.
3. Select Torque input.
4. Enter a safe torque/force command value, suggest start from low to high, for following
• Value = 10-30%, for zero to light payload on carriage
• Value = 20-50%, for medium to heavy payload on carriage
5. Press the ± arrow keys to command negative/positive current control movement of the axis.
Prior to this command, the axis position must allow UNRESTRICTED MOVEMENT!
Stay clear, axis will MOVE!
6. If axis moves smoothly in the expected direction, then the commutation offset has been
verified*. If not, then repeat Determine Commutation Offset procedure (see flowchart).
NOTE: Verified* = this is a practical field method using current loop control only, i.e. without
influence of the velocity and position loop controllers. Depending on the application, further
commutation offset optimization may be required. For further details, please see the Rexroth
IndraDrive MPx-17 (or later) Functions Applications Manual sections “Commutation Setting”
and “Sine-Wave Method”.
Verify Commutation Offset