Decommissioning 73/84
3 842 564 989/2022-06, MIT: HQ 2/G-H, BS 2/G-250,
Bosch Rexroth AG
10.7.5 Spare parts
For a list of spare parts, see spare parts list in MT
3 842 539 057
(download: www.boschrexroth.com/mtpro).
11 Decommissioning
This product is a component which does not need to be decommissioned.
Accordingly, this section has been left blank.
12 Disassembly and replacement
High electrical voltage!
Risk of severe injury or death from electric shock.
Disconnect the relevant system component before performing any maintenance
or repair work.
Secure the system against being unintentionally switched on again.
High pneumatic pressure!
Risk of severe injury or death.
Switch off the compressed air supply to the relevant system component before
performing any maintenance or repair work.
Secure the system against being unintentionally switched on again.
Suspended loads may fall!
Falling objects can result in severe injury (or even death).
Use only slings with sufficiently high bearing loads (for product weight,
see delivery documents).
Make sure the lifting straps are correctly fastened before lifting the product.
Secure the product against tipping over when lifting!
Make sure that no one but the operator is in the danger zone during lifting
and lowering!
12.1 Preparing the product for storage/later use
• Only set the product down on a flat surface.
• Protect the product from mechanical stress.
• Protect the product from environmental influences, such as dirt and moisture.
• Observe the ambient conditions, see page 75.
• For products with motor installed: Support the product so that the motor is not
placed under mechanical load.