Starting up the ECU | 4
Bosch Motorsport
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4.2.1 Pressure Sensors
The label PRESSURES contains parameters to calibrate oil pressure POIL, ambient pressure
PAMB, crank pressure PCRANK and fuel pressure PFUEL. All pressures are calculated in the
same way. Example: Ambient pressure PAMB
Sensor offset and gradient. Consult the sensor manufacturer for details.
Maximum and minimum accepted sensor voltage. Set to approx. 250 mV / 4750 mV. If vi-
olated, an error is set (pamb_e = 1).
Default value. If a sensor error is set, the output is switched to this default value.
Filter constant. Use modest values, ~ 10 - 40 milliseconds.
All other parameters are named by the same rule. Replace PAMB by e.g. POIL to apply
data for the oil pressure sensor.
4.2.2 Temperature Sensors
All temperatures are calculated in the same way. The label “Temperature” contains para-
meters to calibrate oil pressure TOIL, intake air temperature TAIR, engine temperature
TMOT, fuel temperature TFUEL, etc. Example: Intake air temperature TAIR.
Maximum and minimum accepted sensor voltage. Set to approx. 200 mV / 4800 mV. If vi-
olated, an error is set (tair_e = 1).
Sensor characteristic. Consult the sensor manufacturer.
Ask the manufacturer for the linearization curve of the motor temperature sensor or
measure the electrical resistance by the temperature and calculate the characteristic.
Replacement value in case of error, should be in the normal temperature range of the en-
gine (for example between 75 °C and 90 °C).
TFUEL_x ; TOIL_x ; TEX_x ; TEX2_x ; TAIR_x
If used: name as described in TMOT.