Technical Data | 3
Bosch Motorsport
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3 Technical Data
3.1 Input channels
Input channels for temperature sensors
Temperature inputs have an internal “pull up” resistor for use with a NTC sensor (negative
temperatur coefficient). These pull ups can be switched software specifically. Depending
on the used sensor (e.g. 15 kOhm or 2.5 kOhm NTC) the corresponding linearization curve
has to fit.
For example
– tmot (engine temperature)
– tair (intake air temperature)
Input channels for voltage sensors
For measuring of throttle positions or pressures which deliver a voltage (active sensors),
pull up resistors are not necessary. These sensors must be calibrated with the sensors off-
set and sensitivity values (printed on the sensor, if it is from Bosch).
For example
– ath (throttle position)
– pfuel (fuel pressure)
– poil (oil pressure)
Input channels for inductive speed sensors
In the default configuration the MS 3 Sport GT3 Cup needs an inductive speed sensor on
the ignition trigger wheel.
Input channels for Hall-effect-speed sensors
For the camshaft signal a Hall-effect sensor is necessary. Also for wheel speed measure-
ment Hall-effect sensors are recommended. Four Hall-effect wheel speed sensors can be
connected directly to the ECU. Different hardware configurations are available on request.
Input channels for Lambda measurement and control
For wide range Lambda measurement and control we recommend a Lambda sensor of the
Bosch LSU series.
3.2 Output channels
There are 6 independent injection output stages for the injection. These injection output
stages can take a maximal current of 2.2 Ampere. Therefore the injection valves must have
a resistance of at least 6 Ohm.
Don’t use Bosch injection valves with 1.2 Ohm.
A few Bosch injection valves have an internal resistance of just 1.2 Ohm. These types can
not be used here.