MIC440 Explosion Protected CCTV Camera System| Installation and Operation Manual
EN | 45
Bosch Security Systems
Issue 6
The SonySet Table
The table on the right of the form indicates the current state of one of the presets.
The first column
Sony Command
indicates the command type for each of the 10
steps in each preset. The
column indicates the current value for the chosen
command, (e.g On or Off) or if the command is a direct set type, this will indicate
the range available and the result is displayed in column 3,
A full list of available commands and values is shown below.
Changing any of the Sony Commands will invoke the corresponding Option to also
change and take on the top value in the list of available options, therefore clearing
the previous setting from memory. If the command type requires a numeric input,
the corresponding Value box will indicate the lower bound of the range, which can
then be changed to any valid value.
If only a few commands are utilised on the list then the rest should be set to "End"
which will display "N/A" in the option column.
Below is a list of the available SonySet Commands and their corresponding Values
or valid value ranges:
Table M – Sonyset Commands
Camera Power
On / Off
Zoom Set
0 to 28672
Digital Zoom
On / Off
Focus Set
4096 to 49152
Focus Mode
Auto / Manual
Focus Control
One Push Trigger / Force Infinity
AF Sensitivity
High / Low
Focus Near Limit
4096 to 49152
White Balance Mode
Auto / Indoor / Outdoor / One Push /
Auto Tracing / Manual
White Balance Control
One Push Trigger
Red Gain Control
Reset / Plus 1 / Minus 1
Red Gain Set
0 to 255
Blue Gain Control
Reset / Plus 1 / Minus 1
Blue Gain Set
0 to 255
Exposure Mode
Auto / Manual / Shutter Priority / Iris
Priority / Gain Priority / Bright / Shutter
Auto / Iris Auto / Gain Auto
Slow Shutter Mode
Auto / Manual
Shutter Control
Reset / Plus 1 / Minus 1
Shutter Set
0 to 19
Iris Control
Reset / Plus 1 / Minus 1
Iris Set
0 to 19