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snapshots, right-click on the live video image and
select “photo”, “browse”. The directory path to
saved snapshots is specified in the settings menu
(see below). Alternatively snapshots can be
taken by right-clicking on the live video image
and selecting “photo”, “save”. Default location for
saved images is C:\Program Files\...\Video
Reports the current CPU, network and camera
usage. The first two LED bars show the CPU
usage and total network usage respectively in
percent. The rest of the LED bars show network
usage of each camera. Values shown are
relative to the camera using the most bandwidth.
Selecting Full/Reduced Resolution and Zoom
Images and video can be displayed at full or reduced
resolutions. Each camera image can be expanded to a
full resolution display by left double-clicking on the image.
Full resolution can be scaled back to the reduced
resolution by double-clicking gain on the image. Image
resolution in pixels is displayed in the upper left corner of
the image.
To zoom in on an area of interest, draw a rectangle with
the mouse on screen (by left clicking and dragging the
mouse). A separate zoom window will open up showing