There is a 60-second interval after the first
measurement has been performed (display
-1-). The screen shows a timer counting
down from 60. Then a second measure-
ment is started (-2-), and after a further 60-
second interval a third measurement (-3-)
is performed. Once these three measure-
ments have been completed, the average
of the three readings is displayed both vi-
sually and by audio output and stored.
9. Press the SET button nine times = select
audio output volume, or set to ‘off’ to turn
off audio output.
10. Press the SET button ten times = select
language (L1 = German, L2 = English, L3 =
French, L4 = Italian, L5 = Spanish)
11. Press the SET-button eleven times to
exit the setting. Setting will be finished af-
ter 3 minutes you don´t press any button.
medicus_exclusive_5spr_1712sd.qxd:Layout 1 07.12.2017 14:01 Uhr Seite 59