It should be borne in mind that the DET2000 thermoscanner is a skin temperature measurement
device that can be influenced by various factors:
Exposure to sources of heat / cold
Physical movement
And how much else can cause an increase / decrease in skin temperature
Furthermore, the measurement is influenced by the temperature of the environment in which the
DET2000 is installed and it is recommended to be between 15 and 30 ° C.
The temperature measurement range is 35-42 ° C.
The measurement of the person's temperature starts from 35 ° C body temperature which is
rounded to a minimum of 35.8 ° C by the DET2000 device; skin temperatures below 35 ° C (due to
external temperature) will not be detected and therefore an acclimatization time will be required
before taking the measurement; the same principle applies to excessively high skin temperatures
(due to various external factors such as heat, sun, etc.) which will require an acclimatization time.
Readings with skin temperature altered by external factors would not be reliable.
For correct operation, the coverage field of the thermal module must not reflect sources of heat
or cold (doors, windows, lamps) and how much it can influence correct measurement.
It should also be noted that:
The normal temperature value, and therefore the point where the fever 'starts', is as follows:
rectally - measured with a traditional mercury thermometer: from 36.6 ° C to 38.0 ° C (this
measurement is the most reliable as it is internal)
axillary - measured with a traditional thermometer: from 34.7 ° C to 37.3 ° C (may deviate
even 1.9 ° C from the rectal measurement)