4) Pressing a loop button stops playback immediately. If Loops 1 and 3 are playing, press Loop 1
and it stops immediately and becomes dim. Loop 3 continues to play.
Stacking with master Loop 3.
1) If a slave loop and master Loop 3 are playing and Stack is pressed, stacking is active on the
slave, not the master.
2) To stack on master Loop 3, play it by itself.
3) If master Loop 3 is playing by itself and stacking is active, when a slave loop plays, stacking will
continue on master Loop 3, not the slave.
Once with master Loop 3.
Once works the same as in Serial Play Style with one exception. If
master Loop 3 and a slave are playing, both loops will stop when the slave reaches its end. Also
read Section 10.3, “Recording with the Once function.”
Octave with master Loop 3.
If Loop 3 and another loop are playing, press Octave and both loops
will sound an octave lower. Another press of Octave restores both loops to original playback.
Reverse with master Loop 3.
Reverse works like Octave. If 2 loops are playing, press Reverse and
both will reverse direction. Another press of Reverse restores both loops to forward playback.
Play-Stop All .
Play-Stop All was designed for starting & stopping multiple loops. See Section 10.7
for more.
Fade with master Loop 3.
Fade works as you would expect. If 2 loops are playing, both master and
slave loops will be affected. Section 10.8 has more details.
Erase, Reverse Solo, Undo/Redo and Copy with master Loop 3.
The behavior of these functions
is unchanged when using the Serial-Sync Play Style.
7.3 SYNC Play Style
– Loop 3 is master & the other loops are slaves. All loops can play at once.
How to Use Sync
With no loops recorded, and the Sync & Free lights dimly lit, tap Loop 3 to record your first loop.
The Free light turns off and the Sync light becomes bright.
Sync is identical to Serial-Sync except all the loops can play at once, and this leads to more
Recording loops.
Recording follows the Serial-Sync rules, but has additional possibilities.
1) A slave loop can be recorded while 2 or more other loops play.
2) A loop can be queued to record and 2 or more queued to play on the next Loop 3 restart.
Playing loops.
Playing follows the Serial-Sync rules, but has additional possibilities.
1) Any combination of Loops 1-4 can play simultaneously.
2) More than 1 loop can be queued to play.
3) If Loop 3 isn’t playing, and a loop is queued to play, it will play the next time any loop restarts.
4) One loop can be queued to play and another queued to record on the next Loop 3 restart.
7.4 FREE Play Style
– There is no master. All loops can play at once, in an independent fashion.
How to Use Free
With no loops recorded, and the Sync & Free lights dimly lit, tap Loop 1, 2 or 4 to record your first
loop. The Sync light turns off and the Free light becomes bright.
There are no restrictions or constraints on when you can stop or start recording a loop.
Recording The First Loop
This is identical to the behavior described in Section 7.1, “Recording The First Loop.”
Recording Second & Subsequent Loops
Tap another loop button to record that loop.
1) Let’s say Loop 2 is recording. Tap Loop 3 and Loop 2 immediately concludes recording and
. Loop 3 starts recording and turns on bright.
2) If Loop 2 is playing, tap Loop 3 and Loop 3 turns on bright and begins recording. Loop 2 is
completely indifferent to what’s happening with its neighbor, and plays on.
3) If Loop 2 is stacking, tap Loop 3 and nothing happens. A loop cannot be recorded while
stacking on another loop.
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