Three-monthly operations
Check generator smoke side and if necessary clean with compressed air (see instructions enclosed).
Disassemble and clean naphtha/gas oil in suction filter.
Disassemble and clean naphtha pre-heater filter.
Disassemble and clean condensation discharger filter.
Disassemble and clean water supply filter.
Check safety valve.
Yearly operations
Clean smoke side with compressed air and extracting soot.
Clean fan impeller.
Change water supply pump oil.
Check refractors.
Washing the smoke side of the generator is very exceptional and may be necessary to free the boiler from
clogging of soot and dirt.
Generator in vertical version
Stop the generator and discharge it.
Disassemble the burner.
Detach the chimney pipe union and hermetically close the generator connection with blank flange and
rubber gasket.
Open the lower cleaning door and extract the internal threaded plug.
Place a sheet channel under the cover for the discharge of the washing solution.
In a separate container prepare a 10% water and caustic soda solution (9 parts water and 1 part caustic
soda). Pour the solution inside the generator through the burner hole and fill up to 5 cm. from the edge
of the cover inside.
Wait 24 hours then drain completely through the lower plug; then fill and rinse the generator with clean
water. Wait some time for the inside of the generator to dry then reassemble the components.
Lubricate the thread of the internal plug with graphitised grease and screw it up tightening moderately.
Close the door, detach the blank chimney closing flange and reassemble the union section.
Assemble the burner and make the connections correctly.
Start the generator with the due precautions to eliminate the humidity absorbed by the refractors.
The operation should be performed as follows:
Light the burner and leave it lit for about 1 minute; then switch it off and wait 3-4 minutes.
Repeat the operation 3 or 4 times.
Generator in horizontal version
Stop the generator and discharge it.
Disassemble the burner.
Detach the chimney pipe union.
Remove the generator cover.
Place a sheet channel under the cover for the discharge of the washing solution.