Check that all navigation lights operate properly.
Check that fuel and oil levels are adequate. Always carry more fuel than you anticipate
using, in case you are forced to change your plans for weather or other reasons.
Check that throttle/shift control is in neutral.
Check that the steering system operates properly.
Check that all required maintenance has been performed.
Check to ensure the anti-cavitation plate on the lower unit of the motor is lower than the
water line.
Verify that all weight loaded into the boat is distributed evenly from side to side and
positioned mostly to the rear of your boat.
Do not allow people to sit in any area other than those specifically designated for
Verify that the combined load of passengers and cargo do not exceed the maximum
weight printed on the capacity sticker inside your boat.
Be sure to look in all directions before backing down a boat ramp.
You’ll need to verify that the drain plug is in and that there are no
stern straps holding the boat to the trailer before backing into the
water. While it may be possible to launch your boat without the use
of a concrete ramp, be sure that your chosen spot is legal and
won’t result in your vehicle or your trailer becoming stuck in sand
or mud. After backing down the ramp stop backing into the water
once the boat begins to float/lift off of the trailer. While there is no
hard and fast rule for all trailers on all ramps, submerging the lower
half of the trailer fender is usually pretty close. Make note of the
correct depth for future reference.
Before exiting the vehicle to launch
the boat be sure the vehicle it is
turned off and the parking brake is engaged. For manual shift
vehicles, be sure to also leave the vehicle in gear. Take a close
look at these photos. Clearly these boaters didn’t make sure their
vehicles were in park and the break was fully engaged. Don’t let
this happen to you. Another common mistake is launching the boat
before tying a line to the forward and stern cleats. If you do that,
you’ll have to depend upon the generosity of a fellow boater, an
incoming tide or your swimming proficiency to retrieve your boat.
You can, in some situations, launch and retrieve a boat safely without
using a traditional paved boat ramp. If you intend to do so be aware
that it can be very difficult. Traction is typically lost on loose sand and
rocks. Use of a four wheel drive vehicle is highly recommended.
Ensure that you are not on private property without permission or on
government property that is restricted in use. Finally, be sure to check
the tides. I’m sure this spot was perfect when he launched the boat,
but it obviously isn’t now that it is time to go home.