To simplify the threading of the needle, just tie off
both thread ends with a knot, continue pulling the
thread through all the guides. Cut off the knot and
continue threading through the needle eye. Leave a
six inch plus tail beyond the needle eye, or...
1. Remove the dome from the old thread canister by
twisting it counter-clockwise (Fig. 1A)
2. Turn the black knob on the top of the canister
3. Replace the empty canister with the new canister
by aligning the threaded rod through the center
holes of the canister.
4. Screw the black knob clockwise to the threaded
rod. Tighten knob snuggly.
5. Install the clear dome over the canister making
sure that the thread is clear and won’t get pinched
as you twist the clear dome clockwise onto the
canister base. (Fig. 1B)
6. Pull the thread from the top of the dome and
follow the thread eyelets threading sequence: 1
through 6. (Fig. 1C)
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