4 Description of the device
bon SL-85
4 Description of the device
The bon slit lamp SL-85 is a professional universal instrument with 5x magnification
adjustment for examination of the front structures of the eye.
4.1 Composition of the slit lamp
Main components:
(3) Eyepiece (changeable)
(2) Long focal length microscope
(1) Magnification adjuster
(11) Head rest
(7) Moveable arm
(6) Lamp housing
(5) Slit projector
(4) Mouth cover
(8) Joystick with height adjuster
(10) Axis
(9) Base
Diagram 4-1: Slit lamp bon SL-85
The slit lamp sits on a base (9) with orthogonal movement. The slit lamp can be moved in an
x and y direction using the joystick (8). Moving the joystick from left to right will change the
height (approx. 4cm) of both the microscope (2) and the slit projector (5) to line up with the
eye being examined. The microscope and slit projector can be moved independently on the
joint axis (10).
GA bon SL-85 Rev 1.0 E 211005.doc