Step 4
Adjust the following settings as needed:
Adjusting Parametric Equalizer Settings
A parametric equalizer is a multi-band variable equalizer that allows
control of frequency amplitude (boost/cut), center frequency, and
frequency bandwidth, or Q.
Table 11, Noise Gate Settings
Sets the threshold level that the signal must
be below for the noise gate to “close” (pre-
vent the sound from getting through).
Threshold range is -135 to +21 db.
Adjusts how long it takes for the gate to
open once the signal falls below the thresh-
old. Attack range is 1 to 500 ms.
Defines the length of time the gate will stay
fully open after the signal falls below the
threshold. Hold range is 1 to 500 ms.
Sets the rate for turn off of the gate after the
signal is below the threshold. Decay range is
0 to 2000 ms.
Figure 14, Parametric Equalizer Settings