Maintenance UK
It is a legal requirement, under regulation 9 of the COSHH
regulations that all local exhaust ventilation systems are
thoroughly examined and tested at least once every 14
months (typically carried out annually). The approved code
of practice recommends that a visual check should be
carried out at least once a week.
COSHH requires the annual inspection and testing to be
carried out by a competent person and specifies that
documentation results are recorded in a log.
Contact the seller for more information about inspection
and certification.
Maintenance General
User maintenance is limited to cleaning the unit and filter
replacement, only the manufacturers trained maintenance
technicians are authorised to carry out component testing
and replacement. Unauthorised work or the use of
unauthorised replacement filters may result in a potentially
dangerous situation and/or damage to the extractor unit
and will invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty.
Cleaning the unit
The powder coat finish units can be cleaned with a damp
cloth and non-aggressive detergent, do not use an abrasive
cleaning product as this will damage the finish.
The cooling inlets and outlets should be cleaned once a year
to prevent build-up of dust and overheating of the unit.
Replacing Filters
The FumeCab 700 system will alert the user when its filters
need replacing when the red filter change indicator light on
the control panel glows.
Fire Risk Warning
In the very rare event that a burning ember or spark is drawn
into the fume extraction unit, it may be possible that the
filters will ignite. Whilst any resultant fire would typically be
retained within the fume extraction unit, the damage to the
extractor would be significant. It is therefore essential to
minimise this risk by undertaking an appropriate
assessment to determine:-
a). Whether additional fire protection equipment should be
b). Appropriate maintenance procedures to prevent the risk
of build-up of debris which could potentially combust.
A log of the changes should be maintained by the user.
The filters require attention when the display shows the
filter blocked icon/ filter output signal (if fitted) or when the
extractor no longer removes fume efficiently.
All filters are tested to BS3928. A certificate of conformity
for each filter is available on request.
It is recommended that a spare set of filters are kept on site
to avoid prolonged unit unavailability. Part numbers for
replacement filters can be found on the filters fitted in your
To prevent overheating, units should not be run with a
blocked filter condition, or with dust obstruction of Inlets /