4.5 Alarm configuration page
This page is used to enable clock supervision, to define the information to be transmitted and the
destination server. You can select the parameter(s) to be defined as alarms and configure them.
The information displayed is described below:
Enable SNMP
tick box: enables the SNMP network service for monitoring the product from a
control PC.
Version V1/V2C
: selects the protocol version. Version V2C is more recent and secure.
: a set or domain of clocks defined by the user. It is essential that all the clocks in the
network have the same "Community" name.
Enable SNMP Trap
tick box: when ticked, error messages are sent automatically to the SNMP
SNMP Manager 1/2/3
: IP addresses of the servers receiving alerts from the clocks.
SNMP Manager redundancy increases the reliability of alerts.
Synchronisation failure
: this setting is used to detect synchronisation discrepancies with the
master clock (Sigma type) or the time server (Netsilon type).
- Multicast: alarm triggered when the multicast synchronisation is absent for at least one hour.
- Unicast: alarm if unicast synchronisation has been missing for 3 times the periodicity duration
and a minimum of one hour (allows for server maintenance)
: This parameter allows the clock restart to be detected.
Hands position control
this setting is used to detect hands position flaws.
Server access
: this parameter allows an alarm to be triggered when a user connects to the
clock's web server.