Australian Standard Equal Angle
Argon shielding gas
Carbon dioxide
Current density
The current for a given filler wire diameter
Deposition rate
The weight of metal deposited in a unit of time,
expressed as kg/hr
Duty cycle
Percentage of time, for a test period during
which power supply can be operated at its
rated output without overloading
Flow meter
A gas flow measuring device connected to the
regulator to adjust operating flow rates
Gas tungsten arc welding or TIG
Inert gas
Shielding gas consisting of argon or helium or a
mixture of the two
Manual metal arc welding
A power source developed to supply direct
current (DC) for welding from an alternating
(AC) mains power supply
Short arc transfer
Metal transfer in which fused particles of wire
electrode are detached in rapid succession
during the repeated short circuiting contacts
the weld pool
The metal particles which are expelled during
welding on to the surface of the parent metal or
a weld and which do not form a part of the weld
Tungsten inert gas welding or GTAW
Operating conditions such as volts, wire speed,
travel speed gas flow rate, that are adjustable
before and during welding
Weld time
Total time involved between the start and finish
of welding current during the make of one weld
11. Glossary