For Duallie Strollers Only
Slide Release Guard Door forward
(towards you) prior to depressing
Red Release Button. While holding
down Red Release Buttons on both
Accessory Adapters at sides of
stroller, pull ICSA forward and
out of Receiver Sockets, keeping
alignment even, left to right, as you
2. Slide Covers UP
Push to slide each Cover (at front of
stroller Accessory Adapter) up on
each side of stroller, covering each
Receiver Socket.
For Duallie Strollers Only
1. Release Canopy
Release right canopy stay from under
Canopy Catch by pushing canopy
down while pulling Catch up.
2. Rotate canopies
Rotate both canopies forward to
expose Canopy Catch.
3. Unscrew canopy catch
Using a screwdriver, loosen screw on
the Canopy Catch to release it from
the cross strap webbing.
Do not attempt to disassemble
canopy catch - it is designed to
stay assembled even when screw is
fully loosened.
4. Keep Canopy Catch
Keep Canopy Catch with Infant Car
Seat Adapter for future use.
1. Unscrew Captured Screws
Using a screwdriver, unscrew each
Captured Screw from each respective
stroller Anchor Nut.