OZONE MONITOR BMT 932 Manual, Rev. 02/2021
This mode allows interactive access to measurement results and the change of all parameters also
accessable from the front panel. Communication in Link-Mode always obeys the following for-
mat. All communication has to be initiated from the outside:
*Command Number#[optional parameter]
The BMT 932 always responds after completion of the instruction with
*Command Number#[optional parameter]
The optional parameter can have different decimally coded formats:
Byte: Range 0 .. 255. Byte is also used for the configuration of binary parameters; in this case
Byte can only take the values 0 and 1. If a binary variable is set to 1, the corresponding func-
tion or property is activated.
Word: Range 0 .. 65535
Long: Range 0 .. 99999999
Float: Range –9999999 .. 99999999 (floating point number as e.g. 1.234567, max. 8 charac-
ters including the decimal point)
It is very important to wait for confirmation from the BMT 932 once a command is sent. Link-
Mode is started by sending the following command:
The BMT 932 responds with
The User-Mode described above is now deactivated. The BMT 932 contains a Link-Mode timer.
Timeout can be set by a Link-Mode command. This timer is reset by the sending of Link-Mode
commands to the BMT 932. The instrument will fall back into User-Mode automatically, if this
timer runs out due to Link-Mode commands not being received.
Caution: If the BMT 932 is connected to a programmable component (a PC or a PLC), care has
to be taken that the program does not reconfigure the BMT 932 in an endless loop. The internal
non-volatile memory will only tolerate a limited (1,000,000) number of write cycles. Reading
commands can be used infinitely.
A detailed description of Link-Mode commands can be found in Appendix A.
Use of the Limit-Alarms
The BMT 932 supplies two Limit-Alarms. These alarms are activated if concentration on any
channel rises above the High Alarm threshold (High Alarm) or the Low Alarm threshold (Low
Alarm). On every triggering of an alarm, the corresponding contact of its Alarm Relay opens or
closes (Pins 1-2-3 and Pins 4-5-6). The relays are in the alarm position with no power applied. If
Alarm Beep
is activated, an acoustic signal will be sent out with the alarm. Alarm activation and
alarm clearing are documented with time and date in the Event-Log.