Pic 12
Main Functions
The screen image of Pic 11 show the main functions of the BMS EcoCam.
By clicking one of these icons, you will be guided further into the program.
BMS EcoCam icon: Go to the live image.
Files icon: Opens the file of saved images and videos on the USB stick or on the
memory of the BMS EcoCam camera.
Internet icon: Browse the internet (internet connection should be available).
Settings icon: System settings. Here the options can be found to set the camera into
the right modus. There are five main groups;
In “Device” there are the options to rename the camera, set the resolution, alter the
frame rate.
In “Resolution” the choose for VGA or HDMI can be chosen. In accordance with
this mode, one can also choose the wanted resolution. After altering the camera will
restart. It may take up to a minute to obtain a signal again.
The chosen device should be able to support the resolution. If not, an image may not