Oculus M-Series Sonar
User Manual
Replaying Sonar Data
ViewPoint can be used to review sonar imagery from a previously recorded Log File.
To choose a Log File to play back, click the “Open” button from the
top-left of the display:
An “Open File” requester will be displayed, allowing the us
er to
select the Log File (with “
” file extension) that they wish
to work with.
Depending on the size of the chosen Log File, it may take several
seconds after the “Open” button is clicked
for the file to be
analysed before the Playback display is shown.
Playback Display
Once a Log File has been opened, the following Playback display will be shown (in the example below the Log File
recorded High-Frequency sonar data, so the image is only 80° wide rather than 130°):
Play / Pause Control
The slider control represents the duration of the recorded Log File. Drag the slider to the desired playback
position, then click the Play button to toggle the update of the sonar imagery. The timestamp of the currently
displayed data is shown to the right of the position slider.
Playback Speed
Use this slider to control the rate as which data is replayed on the display, as a multiple of the rate at which it
was recorded (i.e. x1 is real-time replay).
Repeat Control
Use this control to toggle is the Log File should automatically restart playback from the beginning of the file when
the end is reached.