Oculus M-Series Sonar
User Manual
If no DHCP server is found then Oculus will use a default address starting with 169.254.x.x, where the last two
number groups (‘x.x’) are the hardware serial number of the Oculus interpreted as two 8
-bit numbers (rather than
a larger 16-bit number).
Changing this function may require the Oculus hardware to be restarted and ViewPoint reconnected to the sonar.
IP Address & Subnet Mask
When “DHCP Enable” is turned off, the IP address and subnet mask for the sonar can be manually specified
through these two text boxes
otherwise they are disabled, and display the current DHCP assigned values.
Changing these values may require the Oculus hardware to be restarted and ViewPoint reconnected to the sonar.
Network Speed Limit
If Oculus data is being sent over a bandwidth-limited network connection with other sensor/camera data (such
as a DSL extender, of WiFi) connectivity issues or dropped data packets may be observed.
In such cases, the network bandwidth available to Oculus can be decreased using the “Speed Limit” control, and
the sonar update rate will be reduced until the data output falls below the specified value.
Gain Assist
To simplify its operation for the user and produce optimal imagery across a wide variety of environments, Oculus
contains an automatic-gain control algorithm.
hen “Gain Assist” is active, Oculus will manage the sonar gain to ensure that the sonar image uses the full spread
of the selected palette helping fine textures and details to be visible - the ViewPoint gain control will act more like
a ‘brightness’ contro
l on the display in this mode.
Like a photographer wanting manual exposure control of their photographs, experienced users or those with
scientific applications may wish to disable Gain Assist, and manage the acoustic gain manually using this control.
Gamma Control
The Gamma control allows the user to adjust the Gamma correction applied to the sonar imagery, which
represents the non-linear dark-to-light mapping of acoustic echo intensities to the sonar palette.
Under normal circumstances the user should not have to adjust the Gamma control, but experienced users may
wish to optimise the sonar imagery under certain circumstances by adjusting the Gamma value from its default
value of about 0.6.
Firmware Update
The firmware running on in the Oculus sonar can be upgraded while in the field so that new features can be added
or bugs fixed without the unit being returned to the factory.
The current version of the firmware is displayed in the Sonar Information area of the display when a network
connection is made.
ViewPoint can be used to program new firmware into the sonar by choosing the “Update” button and specifying
the new firmware file when prompted. A progress bar display the state of the firmware update.