Oculus M-Series Sonar
User Manual
Application Settings
Settings that control the general behaviour of ViewPoint can be
adjusted from the “Settings” window that is accessed by
clicking the
icon at the right-hand side of the programs title bar:
When the Settings window is shown, clicking one of the ‘tab’ heading across the top of the window will change its
Click “OK” to accept any changes made and close the window, or “Cancel” to close without applying the changes.
The following sections discuss the options available:
Log File Storage Location
When the Record or Snapshot buttons are clicked either a Log File or PNG image file is created in the selected Log
File directory. The location of this directory can be chosen from the Settings window, under the ‘General’ tab
Enter the path where Log Files should be recorded to into the text box, or click the ‘Browse’ button on the right.
Maximum Log File Size
Oculus sonars can produce a lot of data quickly and recorded Log Files can grow quite large quickly. To make Log
Files more manageable, the maximum size of the file can be specified on the ‘General’ tab of the Settings Window.
When a Log File is being recorded and its size exceeds this value, the file is closed and recording continues in a
subsequent automatically named Log File.
Speed (Velocity) Of Sound
For the correct and accurate ranges to targets, and to ensure that the sonar image is sharply focused, it is
important that the speed of sound in water is correctly specified. For example, if Oculus is being used to measure
the range to a target 10m away with a 1% error in the speed of sound then this will result in a 10cm error in the
range measurement.