1.Cartridge: When water passes through two stage
filtration cartridge:-
tc ikuh f}Lrjh; ty “kqf)dj.k izfd;k ls xqtjrk gS rc%
(A) Activated Carbon
and sediment filter which
organic chemicals, odor color problems, chlorine
and enhance
water taste and sediment filter removes dust particles.
Tourmaline balls that adds essential minerals.
2. UF Membrane: When water enters from cartridge to the shell
having pore size of 0.01 micron suspended solids and solutes of
high molecular weight are retained while water passes through
the membrane that’s how Removes bacteria, pyrogen, colloids,
chemical impurities
How it Functions
tc ikuh 01 ;w,Q esEcszu ds 0-01 ekbØksu ds fNnzksa ls gksdj xqtjrk gS rks ;s v?kqyu”khy
v”kqf);ksa vkSj mPp vkf.od Hkkj dks jksdrk gSA vkSj cSDVhfj;k] ik;jksxu] dksykbM vkSj
jklk;fud v”kqf);ksa dks nwj djrk gSA
lfØ;d`r lsfMesaV vSkj dkcZu fQYVj ikuh esa ekStwn v?kqyu”khy /kwy d.k] dkcZfud jlk;u]
[kjkc xa/k] Dyksjhu dks fudkyrk gS vkSj ikuh dks Lokfn’V cukrk
Vjfeyu cky tks ,d rjg dk t#jh [kfut tks vius xq.kkss dks ikuh esa NksMrk gSA
;g dSls dke djrk gS