Increasing other mail account, you can set up to use the new account to send all mail.
6.2.2 Check email
on the inbox screen
click on and check the email.
You can also press and select other folder to visit.
6.2.3 Create and send email
1. On the inbox screen
press .
2. Click on the recipient field, enter the recipient 's e-mail address.
3. Enter the mail subject and message content.
4. Press , and send email.
6.2.4 Reply email
1. On the inbox screen
press the email that you want to reply.
2. Press “reply” or or > “reply all”.
6.2.5 Delete the email account
1. On the inbox screen
Press > settings.
2. Click on a account.
3. In the bottom of the menu, click delete account, and click on ok.
6.2.6 Custom e-mail account setting
1. On inbox screen
press > settings