Cleaning Behind the Fan Guard
Using a flathead screw driver adjust each retaining
clip so the slots are on the bottom of their respective
2. Lift up from the bottom of the fan guard and pull the
top forward to move the fan guard above the retain-
ing bar and over the placement pins on the bottom of
the liner.
3. Thoroughly spray cleaner onto the fan and heat
source. Place the oven in the steam mode for ap-
proximately 10 minutes.
After ten minutes, rinse the cleaner off. Place the
fan guard back over the retaining bar and placement
pins. Adjust each retaining clip so the slots are at the
top of each cutout. If there is resistance ensure the
baffle is properly seated over the retaining bar and
placement pins.
Door Gasket
It is imperative that the door gasket is properly maintained.
Wiping any grease from the gasket will lengthen its life.
Front Air Intake Cleaning
When the oven and hoodini are both off you may take
the opportunity to clean the front air intake. it may
take up to 10 minutes for the hoodini portion of the
unit to shut down after the oven has been shut down.
Figure 31
To clean the intake, first remove the front grill. Grip
each side of the grill on the upper overhang of the
Hoodini. Slide the panel up and pull out to remove.
Figure 32
3. Once removed wipe down each side to remove any
accumulated grease and/or particulate.
Figure 33
4. With the grill remove, wipe down each of the grates
over the three fans at the front of the unit. When
cleaned wipe with dry towel and replace front grill.
The best preventive maintenance measures are the
proper initial installation of the equipment and a
program for cleaning the appliance routinely. The Oven/
Steamer requires no lubrication. Contact the factory, the
factory representative or a local Blodgett Combi service
company to perform maintenance and repairs should they
be required.
Cleaning & Preventative Maintenance