CHAPTER 4: Card Installation
4.5 Card-Installation Procedure
After you install the RackNest 2/14 in your 19” rack (refer to the Nest’s manual),
take these steps to install an LDM-MR19.2 card in the Nest:
1. Insert the Card into an empty slot on the Nest (see Figure 4-1 on page 30).
Do not use excessive force. If the Card does not go in easily, remove the Card,
realign it with the Nest’s enclosure guides, and push it into place.
When the RackNest 2/14 is ON, personnel are not exposed to any
voltage over 30V on any card or accessible area of the Nest. Still, take
all reasonable precautions to avoid electric shock.
2. Tighten the nut on the top of the Card.
3. Push the bottom of the Card as far into the Nest as it will comfortably go,
to ensure that its card-edge connector makes full contact with the Nest’s.
4. Run an appropriate cable from your DTE to the corresponding DB25
connector (“J1”) on the back of the Nest. For detailed information on
the pinout of the DB25 connector, see Table 3-1 on pages 21 and 22.
5. If you haven’t already done so, install the remote RackNest 2/14,
then repeat steps 1 through 4 at the remote site.
6. Run twisted-pair cable between the local and remote cards.
If you’re running a 2-wire line:
Run one wire pair between the XMT terminals
(“TB1”) on the back of each Nest. If you’re using shielded cable, attach the
ground wire to the GND terminal on one Nest (not both of them!).
If you’re running a 4-wire line:
Attach one pair of wires to the corresponding
XMT terminals (“TB1”) on the back of the local Nest and the correspond-
ing RCV terminals on the remote Nest; attach the other pair of wires to the
RCV terminals on the local Nest and the XMT terminals on the remote
Nest. (It doesn’t matter which wire in each pair goes to which terminal in
each pair; the cards autosense parity.) If you’re using shielded cable, attach
the ground wire to the GND terminal on one Nest (not both of them!).