BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.0 SP3
Password policy group
The BlackBerry® device uses the IT policy rules in the Password policy group only if, in the Device Only items, you set the
Password Required IT policy rule to True. For more information about using passwords on BlackBerry devices, see the
BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution Security Technical Overview.
Duress Notification Address IT policy rule
This rule specifies the email address that is notified when users type their BlackBerry® device password under duress. Users
can indicate that they are unlocking their devices against their will by moving the first character of the password to the end.
For example, if the BlackBerry device password is blackberry, the duress password is lackberryb.
If you set this IT policy rule, the maximum number of password attempts is reduced by half. Each time that the user types a
password to unlock the BlackBerry device, the BlackBerry device must confirm whether the password is either the correct
password or the correct duress password.
Default setting
The default setting is a null value.
Set this IT policy rule to allow users to notify your administrators that the BlackBerry device might have been stolen. Instruct
users on how to use the duress password feature.
To prevent a party who has stolen the unlocked BlackBerry device from receiving a response to the duress notification, the
email address that you specify should be active and should not have an out-of-office reply set.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software Version 4.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.0
BlackBerry® Connect™ Transport Stack Version 4.0
Forbidden Passwords IT policy rule
This rule specifies the passwords that BlackBerry® device users cannot use. Separate multiple passwords with a comma.
Default setting
Policy Reference Guide
Password policy group