If you specify a value, the user cannot turn off this timeout, but can change the Long Term Timeout field in the BlackBerry
Smart Card Reader options on the computer to a lower value.
If you do not specify a value, the user can change the Long Term Timeout field to any value.
The Maximum PC Long Term Timeout IT policy rule is related to the Maximum PC Bluetooth Traffic Inactivity Timeout IT
policy rule.
Minimum requirements
BlackBerry Smart Card Reader software Version 1.5
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.0 SP5
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell® GroupWise® does not support this IT policy rule.
Maximum Smart Card Not Present Timeout IT policy rule
This rule specifies the maximum time (in seconds) after the user removes the smart card from the BlackBerry® Smart Card
Reader that the secure pairing information is deleted from the BlackBerry device and the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader.
Default setting
The default setting is a null value. The secure pairing information is not deleted from the BlackBerry device.
If you specify a value, the user can change the Card Not Present Timeout value on the BlackBerry device to any value.
If you do not specify a value, the user cannot turn off this timeout, but can change the Card Not Present Timeout field to a
lower value.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software Version 4.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.0 SP2
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell® GroupWise® does not support this IT policy rule.
Policy Reference Guide