BlackBerry® Enterprise Server for Voice Services Version 4.1 SP6
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell® GroupWise® does not support this IT policy rule.
Maximum Connection Heartbeat Period IT policy rule
This rule specifies the maximum heartbeat period (in seconds). During each heartbeat period, the paired BlackBerry® device
or computer sends a heartbeat which the BlackBerry® Smart Card Reader acknowledges. If either side fails to send or
acknowledge a heartbeat in the maximum heartbeat period, the BlackBerry device or computer closes the Bluetooth®
Note: If the disconnected timer is on, it starts when the connection closes. The BlackBerry device or computer deletes the
secure pairing keys when the disconnected timeout expires.
Default setting
The default setting is a null value. The heartbeat period is turned off.
Use this IT policy rule to prevent an attacker from using a low-level Bluetooth heartbeat period to keep the Bluetooth
connection between the BlackBerry device or computer and the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader open and the secure pairing
keys present.
If you specify a value, the user cannot turn off the heartbeat period but can change the Connection Heartbeat Period field
on the BlackBerry device or computer to a lower value.
If you do not specify a value, the user can change the Connection Heartbeat Period field to any value.
If you specify a low value, such as 1, 2, or 5 seconds, Bluetooth traffic increases. The increased traffic might affect the battery
power level of the BlackBerry device and the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader.
You can use the Maximum BlackBerry Disconnected Timeout and Maximum PC Disconnected Timeout IT policy rules to
specify the BlackBerry device and computer disconnected timers.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software Version 4.0
BlackBerry Smart Card Reader software Version 1.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.0 SP2
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell® GroupWise® does not support this IT policy rule.
Policy Reference Guide
BlackBerry Smart Card Reader policy group