About the availability status
Your availability status is made up of a status message and an availability indicator. You can create custom availability statuses by typing
your own status message and choosing an availability indicator that reflects your status.
Change your availability status
On the Contact list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Click an availability status.
Create a custom availability status
On the Contact list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• To type a status message and use your current availability indicator, click Personal Note. Type a status message.
• To type a status message and choose an availability indicator, click Custom Statuses. Type a status message. In the Show As
drop-down list, click an availability option.
4. Click OK.
Delete your custom availability statuses
On the Contact list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Click Clear All Custom Statuses.
Clear your availability status
On the Contact list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Click Reset Status.
Set your availability indicator to reflect your device status
You can set your availability indicator to change to Away when you do not use your BlackBerry® device for the duration of time that you
set. When you use your device again, the availability indicator changes back to its previous state.
On the Contact list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
User Guide