Item code: BH81
Instruction Manual
Remove covering.
Hinge slot.
Mark point.
3. Mark the shape of the vertical on the
left and right side of the rudder on to the hori-
zontal stabilizer using a felt-tip pen.
2. Put the rudder into the fuselage as
same as picture below.
4. Now, remove the rudder and using a
modeling knife, carefully cut just inside the
marked lines and remove the film of the rud-
der. Just as you did with the horizontal stabi-
lizer, make sure you only press hard enough
to cut the film, not the balsa rudder.
5. Put the vertical stabilizer back in
place. Using a triangle, check to ensure
that the vertical stabilizer is aligned 90 de-
gree to the horizontal stabilizer.
6) When you are sure that everything is a
aligned correctly, mix up a generous amount
of 30 minute epoxy. Apply a thin layer to the
slot in the mounting platform and to the verti-
cal stabilizer mounting area. Apply epoxy to
the lower rudder hinge. Set the stabilizer in
place and re-align. Double check all of your
measurements once more before the epoxy
cures. Remove any excess epoxy using a
paper towel and rubbing alcohol and hold the
stabilizer in place with T-pins or masking tape.
Allow the epoxy to fully cure before proceed-
Epoxy glue
Also carefully remove the covering from
the horizontal fin as below the lines which
you drew as same picture below.