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IN-SESSION is a meeting room reservation system. The IN-SESSION system touch panels (RS-TOUCH7-W, RS-TOUCH7-M, RS-
TOUCH12-W, RS-TOUCH12-M) are installed in front of the entrance to the room and show its state. The RS-VIEWER unit makes it
possible to join a large display that will show the states of several rooms at once, e.g. at receptions. The display connected to the
RS-VIEWER unit shows the following information:
Room name and information on occupancy. The state of the room is indicated by colors (green for a free room, red for an occupied
If the room is free, the display shows the next meeting on the given day (if such a meeting is planned) and the period of time in
which it will start.
If the room is occupied, the display shows the subject of the meeting as well as its starting and ending times.
If timeline mode is enabled, the display shows timeline with future meetings for few next hours.
It is possible to show up to 14 rooms at once on the display. If more rooms need to be displayed, the list of rooms will scroll.
Current date, time as well as the number of free and occupied rooms are shown on the display. It is also possible to add a company
logo to the panel.
The IN-SESSION system cooperates with the following servers or services where the room calendars are saved:
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016.
Microsoft Office 365 subscription (any Business, Education, Enterprise or Government plan with support of resource/room
mailboxes; home and personal plans are not supported).
G Suite, formerly Google Apps for Work, subscription (Google Apps Free edition, also known as Standard edition, is not supported) .
It is also possible to use the default applications of these services to make a reservation of a room (Outlook, web interface, mobile
For easy administration of reservation system units, these units are linked to a group called reservation suite. Units connected to
the same reservation suite share their settings so, for example, if you need to change the user account password, you can just do it
on one panel and all the other ones within the same reservation suite will adopt the change automatically. The reservation suite can
be managed in the following ways:
Essential Setup: In this administration mode, you change the settings on any reservation suite unit, and settings shared within the
Reservation Suite will be automatically applied to all units. Other settings (individual settings of each unit, e.g. language, display
brightness, etc.) must be done on each unit separately. All reservation system units included in the Reservation Suite must be
plugged into the same LAN. This guide describes the management of the RS-VIEWER unit through Essential Setup. If you want
to use the RS-VIEWER unit with Essential Setup, there has to be at least one IN-SESSION panel through which you will set the
respective room accounts.
On-premises Administration: In this way, the entire reservation suite is centrally managed through the web interface of the
RS-MODERATOR manager unit. The RS-MODERATOR unit must be plugged into the same LAN as the other units of the Reservation
Suite. RS-MODERATOR also has other features, such as analytics and room utilization statistics. The procedure for setup using
On-premises Administration is described in the RS-MODERATOR - On-premises Administration user manual.