Modem 34336
Table 4-3. Diagnostic Port Commands.
Connect to diagnostic port of modem at group address
g, unit address u. An address must be specified unless
the wildcard character * is used: CONNECT *
(meaning Connect to local modem; address
unknown/unspecified.). When the connection is made,
the DTE displays the modem’s address. Echo, line
feed, and Auto-Display are enabled.
CON g,u
CON performs same functions as CONNECT
command, except that echo, line feed, and Auto-
Display are disabled. The wild card character * may be
used: CON * .
The remaining commands listed in this table will function only if
CONNECT or CON (with address or *) has been previously issued.
Displays the current front-panel LCD screen of the
connected modem on the DTE monitor.
Performs same function as front panel ENT button.
(Exits from screen.)
1, 2, or 3
Performs same functions as corresponding buttons on
front panel. (Selects choice 1, 2, or 3 from LCD.)
> or .
Performs same function as right arrow on the modem
front panel. (Displays next menu screen.)
< or ,
Performs same function as left arrow on the modem
front panel. (Displays previous menu screen.)
Resets the Modem without changing option settings.
(Same as selecting RESET from the MAIN MENU.)
Resets the Modem to factory defaults. (Reconfigures
modem to Hayes mode default settings).