Setup, Advanced; and in MultiExpress Terminal
for Windows, select Setup, Terminal, Modem.)
3. Choose the MultiModemZDX or MT2834ZDX
from the software’s modem list.
4. Change the modem initialization string, if
necessary. In most circumstances, AT&FX4S0=0
works best for a PC, and AT&FX4&E13&D0S0=0
works best for a Macintosh. For CompuServe,
include &E0&E14S7=60 in the string; if you use
WinCIM, include &E5 for WinCIM’s software flow
control. If you want the modem to always answer
the phone, delete S0=0 from the string.
Depending on the software, you may have
to end the string with a carriage return (^M).
To change the modem’s default initialization string, type the
new commands in the software’s terminal window, adding
the command &W to store it in the modem’s nonvolatile
memory; e.g., AT&FX4S0=0&W.
5. Select the port the modem is connected to
(normally COM1 or COM2).
6. Ideally, if you use data compression, you should
set your serial-port baud rate to four times the