Parameters description:
Check <Delete> entry then click on the <Save> button, and the entry will be
Trap Version:
You may choose v1, v2c, or v3 trap.
Server IP:
Assign the SNMP Host IP address.
UDP Port:
Assign the Port number. Default: 162
Community/Security Name:
The length of “Community/Security Name” string is restricted to 1–32.
Security Level:
Indicates what kind of message will be sent to Security Level.
Possible modes are:
Send information, warnings, and errors.
Send warnings and errors.
Send errors.
Security Level:
There are three kinds of choices:
NoAuth, NoPriv:
No authentication and no privacy.
Auth, NoPriv:
Authentication and no privacy.
Auth, Priv:
Authentication and privacy.
Authentication Protocol:
You can choose MD5 or SHA for authentication.
Authentication Password:
The length of “MD5 Authentication Password” is restricted to 8–32.
The length of “SHA Authentication Password” is restricted to 8–40.