Software User Guide
Link-Loss Learn Feature
The Link-Loss Learn is a unique feature of the LE2425A and LEV2525A switches. When the link is
lost on any port on which this function is enabled, the address table is reset and the address learning
process is re-initiated. This will allow rapid recovery of traffic.
The Link-Loss-Learn feature of the LE2425A and LEV2525A Ethernet Switches address the issues
that can occur when switches are used in redundant network configurations, such as when Spanning
Tree Protocol (STP) or Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) is in use. With Link-Loss-Learn, LE2425A and
LEV2525A are better able to handle some fault recovery situations and they may improve network
reliability and provide faster fault recovery accordingly. Without a redundant network topology, the
Link-Loss-Learn feature has no significant benefit and should be turned off via the applicable MNS-
BB software CLI command. The factory default setting is “off/disabled”.
The ports on which this capability is to be enabled are entered through a CLI command.
18.1 CLI
Link-Loss-Learn (LLL) commands are available under STP and RSTP context.
To enable/disable
lll <enable/disable>
LE2425A (stp)##
lll enable
Link-Loss-Learn Enabled.
: If STP or RSTP is enabled, Link Loss Learn will not work even though if you enable it.
LE2425A (stp)##
lll disable
Link-Loss-Learn Disabled.
To add LLL Ports
lll add port=<port|list|range>
LE2425A (stp)##
lll add port=1,2,3
Added Ports: 1,2,3
To delete LLL Ports
lll del port=<port|list|range>
LE2425A (stp)##
lll del port=2,3
Deleted Ports: 2,3
To see the status
show lll
LE2425A (stp)##
show lll
Link-Loss-Learn Status:
LLL Enabled on Ports: 1,2,3
Web: View and Configure Link Loss Learn
In the web browser interface:
1. Click on the
2. Click on [STP/RSTP].
3. Click on [Link Loss Learn].
4. Click on [EDIT] to add or delete Ports.
5. After you make the desired changes, click on [OK] button.
6. Click [Save] to save the configuration.