Appendix A. Troubleshooting
A.1 Tips
Using the supplied software and following these simple
steps can eliminate most common problems.
1. Identify all I/O adapters currently installed in
your system. This includes your on-board serial
ports, controller cards, sound cards, etc. Identify
the I/O addresses used by these adapters, as well
as the IRQ (if any).
2. Configure your PCI Card so that there is no
conflict with currently installed adapters. No two
adapters can occupy the same I/O address.
3. Make sure the PCI Card is using a unique IRQ.
While the PCI Card does allow the sharing of
IRQs, many other adapters (that is, SCSI adapters
and on-board serial ports) do not. The IRQ is
typically selected via an on-board header block.
Refer to
Chapter 3
for help in choosing an I/O
address and IRQ.
4. Make sure the PCI Card is securely installed in a
motherboard slot.