3. Card Setup
3.1 Address and IRQ Selection
The RS-232 Single-Port PCI Card is automatically
assigned resources by your motherboard BIOS. Only the
I/O address may be modified by you.
Adding or removing other hardware may change the
assignment of I/O addresses and IRQs.
3.2 Clock Modes
The RS-232 Single-Port PCI Card uses a unique clocking
option that allows you to select from divide by 4 and
divide by 1 clocking modes. These modes are selected at
Header J1. (See
Appendix D
for proper location.)
To select the baud rates commonly associated with
COM: ports (that is, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2, … 115.2
kbps), place the jumper in the divide by 4 mode
(silk-screen “D4”) position.
To select the maximum data rates up to 460.8 kbps,
place the jumper in the divide by 1 (silk-screen “D1”)
position. Please refer to Table 3-1 on the following page
for these additional data rates.