Chapter 2: Overview
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2.1.1 EDID management
Wizard DP Extender intelligently manages the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) information that each video display pro-
vides (detailing their supported resolutions) before reporting them to the host PC. In this way Wizard DP Extender can mask the
resolution modes that cannot be supported within the available bandwidth. The display attached to Video port 1 will always be
given priority. If sufficient bandwidth does not exist for the modes declared by the second display, then it will not be reported to
the host PC. Please see
Appendix B
for details about how the EDID details supplied by each display are managed.
2.2 USB support
Wizard DP Extender units provide support for a wide range of USB devices via four ports on the receiver unit. Three of the ports
(labeled A) support low/full speed (v2.0) USB and are made possible using our proprietary
True USB Emulation
technique which is
specifically designed to overcome the problems usually encountered when remotely connecting USB keyboards and mice. The
fourth port (labeled B) provides Hi-Speed (v2.0) USB with transfer rates up to 480Mbits/sec.
The three A ports support only USB keyboards and mice.
Port B provides Hi-Speed USB support for mass storage and isochronous devices.
Note: Availability of the fourth (B) USB port depends upon the use of CATx Link B which is used solely for the transport of
Hi-Speed USB signals.
2.3 Serial communication support
The Wizard DP Extender transmitter and receiver both have serial Options ports which are used for firmware upgrades but are
also available during normal use for transferring high speed serial data across the CATx link. This means that you can connect the
serial port of the Host computer to the transmitter and any serial device to the receiver. These can then freely communicate at up
to 115,200 baud across the transparent link. No serial configuration is required on the Wizard DP Extender units as they merely
pass through the serial signals.