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Document status: released
Operating Manual
rev. 01, 03.11.08
Application: Automatic redundancy switching of 2 ES10/ES26 located side by side:
Connect a cable between the master and the slave ES10/ES26 connecting both I/O No. 0
ports and GND.
Set the master ES10/ES26 in one of the two Redundant master modes
Set the master ES10/ES26 I/O port mask to the desired mode. Set the slave ES10/ES26 into
the Redundant Slave mode
As long as the master ES10/ES26 does not show any alarm, the slave ES10/ES26 should be
sleeping (in stand-by operation), since the I/O port No. 0 level will be in low state.
If the master alarm faces an alarm situation, it will set the I/O port No. 0 level to high state,
therefore awakening the slave transmitter from sleeping (stand-by mode).
If the cable between the master ES10/ES26 and the slave is cut or removed, the slave device
will go from sleeping (stand-by) mode into normal operation due to the internal 100 k
If the power supply from the master ES10/ES26 is removed completely, the slave device will
go from sleeping (stand-by) mode into normal operation immediately.
The slave transmitter might need up to 5 seconds to provide a high performance output signal,
when starting from stand-by. For that reason, the master transmitter will after an alarm situation
create an I/O port high signal to start the slave transmitter and will, however, operate in normal
mode (as far as possible) for five seconds, until it switches into stand-by mode. The purpose of
this method is to make the interruption of the signal as short as possible.
An overview of all alarm and warning flags, which can create an alarm or warning situation is
given in chapter 7.22 and 7.23.